Baz Dreisinger

Dr. Dreisinger works at the intersection of race, crime, culture and justice. She earned her Ph.D. in English from Columbia University, specializing in American and African-American studies. At John Jay she is the Founding Academic Director of John Jay’s Prison-to-College Pipeline program, which offers college courses and reentry planning to incarcerated men at Otisville Correctional Facility, and broadly works to increase access to higher education for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals.

Dr. Dreisinger’s book Incarceration Nations: A Journey to Justice in Prisons Around the World (2016) was heralded by the New York Times, NPR and many more, and was named a notable book of 2016 by the Washington Post. Professor Dreisinger moonlights as a journalist and critic, writing about Caribbean culture, race-related issues, travel, music and pop culture for such outlets as the New York Times, Los Angeles Times and Wall Street Journal, and producing on-air segments about music and global culture for National Public Radio (NPR). Her first book Near Black: White-to-Black Passing in American Culture (2008) was featured in the New York Times and on NPR and CNN. Together with Oscar-nominated filmmaker Peter Spirer, Professor Dreisinger produced and wrote the two nationally aired documentaries about hip-hop, criminal justice and the prison industrial complex. She regularly speaks about justice reform and prison issues on popular news media and in international settings.


Transition from Jail to Community

Over 9 million people pass through America’s local jails each year, and these individuals often receive little in the way of services, support, or supervision as they reenter the community. In response to the need for jurisdictions across the country to address the jail-to-community transition, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) partnered with the Urban Institute (UI) in 2007 to launch the Transition from Jail [...]

Reduciendo la reincidencia delictiva

Este estudio forma parte del proyecto: “Desarrollo de una metodología estandarizada para el monitoreo y la evaluación de proyectos y programas de reintegración social orientados a la disminución de la reincidencia delictiva”, implementado por el Departamento de Seguridad Pública de la Secretaría General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (SG/OEA), con financiamiento de la Agencia Canadiense de Desarrollo Internacional (CIDA, por sus siglas en inglés). El [...]

Volver a confiar, Los 100 Primeros días en libertad

El manual está dirigido a personas que se encuentren próximas a cumplir condenas privativas de libertad. Su objetivo es apoyar el proceso de reinserción en los primeros 100 días y entrega información útil, sugerencias y orientaciones para solucionar problemas que podrían encontrar una vez fuera de la cárcel. {{ vc_btn: title=Download& }}

Asistencia postpenitenciaria en Chile

Este libro culmina una investigación realizada por el Área de Estudios Penitenciarios del Centro de Estudios en Seguridad Ciudadana. Se concentra en los programas existentes, apoyados o no por el Estado, que proporcionan asistencia para la reinserción social a quienes egresan del sistema penitenciario, ya sea que hayan cumplido íntegramente la condena en prisión, o por la concesión de algún tipo de beneficio intrapenitenciario o libertad condicional, o [...]